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Mathematicians spend time analyzing and describing numeric patterns because they can be used to represent a variety of authentic situations in our lives, as you will see in the following examples.

Two patterns, or sequences, that mathematicians often work with are called arithmetic sequences and geometric sequences. Arithmetic sequences and geometric sequences are types of recursive sequences.

To begin looking at arithmetic sequences, take a moment to view the video below.

This video player plays a video on Arithmetic Sequences.

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Some types of viruses, like the common cold, follow arithmetic (additive) sequences. Other types of viruses, like a flu virus, spread much faster than can be represented by an arithmetic sequence. The pattern followed by flu viruses, among others, is a geometric sequence.

To gain an understanding of geometric sequences, take a moment to view the video below.

This video player plays a video on Geometric Sequences.

> Text version for Geometric Sequences video Opens a new window