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A function is a mathematical relationship in which one element from one set (called the domain) maps to another set (called the range), and assigns to each element of the domain exactly one element of the range. Piecewise functions are functions that behave differently based on the input (x) value. In other words, part of the graph may behave linearly, while other parts of the graph might behave quadratically and/or exponentially. These parts appear in pieces when graphed. When the pieces are graphed together, a full graphical representation of the function is produced.

Watch the following video to explore examples of piecewise functions.

This video player plays a video on Piecewise Functions.

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Explore the following activity to learn how to graph a piecewise function.


Use a graphing calculator to help graph each of the pieces in the piecewise function. Follow the instructions on the Teacher Resources page under Student Resources for Texas Instruments’ directions on how to graph piecewise functions using a graphing calculator.