
Arithmetic Sequence:

Arithmetic sequences are numerical patterns with a constant common difference between consecutive numbers (terms). Any given term equals the value of the number before it, plus the common difference. A positive common difference makes sequences increase; negative common differences cause a decrease.

Common Difference:

The common difference is the value that is added to or subtracted from each term in an arithmetic sequence in order to determine consecutive terms. The common difference typically is represented by the variable “d.”

Common Ratio:

In a geometric sequence, the common ratio is the fractional value of any given term compared to its preceding term in the sequence. In the fraction, the given term is the numerator and its preceding term is the denominator.

Geometric Sequence:

Geometric sequences are numerical patterns in which each term after the nonzero first term is determined by multiplying the previous term by a constant factor, known as the common ratio. The terms in a geometric sequence increase when the factor is greater than 1. The terms decrease when the factor is between 0 and 1.


Terms are the values of numbers in a sequence.


An unspecified number or value usually represented with a letter such as x.